Running a Shentu Node

Running a Shentu node is crucial for participating in the shentu network. This guide covers various methods to set up and run a shentu node, including binary executions.

Running Shentu with Binary


  • Shentud Binary: Build or download the latest on-chain version of shentud.
  • Permissions: Ensure executable permissions for your binary.


  1. Execute Shentud Binary: Run the command ./shentud [command] [flags]. For starting the daemon, use ./shentud start.
  2. Systemd Configuration: Configure shentud to run as a systemd service for reliability.
    • Move the binary to /usr/bin with cp shentud /usr/bin/.
    • Create and edit the systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/shentud.service with appropriate configurations.
  3. Manage Service:
    • Reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    • Restart shentud: sudo systemctl restart shentud
    • Enable on boot: sudo systemctl enable shentud
    • Check logs: journalctl -u shentud -f

Configuring Shentud

  • Config Files: Located in $HOME/.shentu/config.
    • config.toml: General settings.
    • app.toml: Application-specific settings.
    • client.toml: Shentu client settings.