Running an Dymension Node

Running an Dymension node is crucial for participating in the Dymension network. This guide covers various methods to set up and run an Dymension node, including binary executions.

Running Dymension with Binary


  • dymd Binary: Build or download the latest on-chain version of dymd.
  • Permissions: Ensure executable permissions for your binary.


  1. Execute dymd Binary: Run the command ./dymd [command] [flags]. For starting the daemon, use ./dymd start.
  2. Systemd Configuration: Configure dymd to run as a systemd service for reliability.
    • Move the binary to /usr/bin with cp dymd /usr/bin/.
    • Create and edit the systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/dymd.service with appropriate configurations.
  3. Manage Service:
    • Reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    • Restart dymd: sudo systemctl restart dymd
    • Enable on boot: sudo systemctl enable dymd
    • Check logs: journalctl -u dymd -f

Configuring dymd

  • Config Files: Located in $HOME/.dymension/config.
    • config.toml: General settings.
    • app.toml: Application-specific settings.
    • client.toml: Stargaze client settings.